What is a Labor-Management Partnership? Why should Labor and Management partner together? How can I share my Labor-Management Partnership story?
What is a Labor-Management Partnership? Why should Labor and Management partner together? How can I share my Labor-Management Partnership story?
Under the National Labor Relations Act, employees, not their employer, have the right to decide whether or not they want a union to represent them.
Under the National Labor Relations Act, workers have the right to form unions several ways—but voluntary recognition and NLRB union elections are the most common paths.
After a year of record-breaking strikes, expiring contracts in 2024 signal another significant but likely smaller potential wave of labor unrest.
Have you heard about NLRB’s new framework for forming a union? We’re breaking down the Cemex decision in a short video, so you can learn your labor rights.
What is a Labor-Management Partnership? Why should Labor and Management partner together? How can I share my Labor-Management Partnership story?
Research from UC San Diego’s Rady School of Management shows that unions can improve the economy’s financial stability.
Research showing unions benefit not just unionized workers but non-union workers, communities and the greater U.S. economy as well.
While a 2023 NLRB decision (Cemex) helps reaffirm the basic employee right to organize and bargain collectively that is embodied in the NLRA, union deterrence by employers continues – and likely has contributed to the decline in unionization despite strong public support for unions and evidence of the union advantage.
Finally, unions help reduce racial resentment among white workers and promote support for affirmative action and other policies designed to benefit Black households. Research by Paul Frymer and Jacob Grumbach provide evidence that this is an actual causal effect of unionization