Picture of Christine Ball-Blakely

Christine Ball-Blakely

I am a public interest lawyer at a nonprofit organization, and my work is a huge part of my life. I recently helped unionize my organization in an effort to create a more equitable, respectful, and democratic work environment. I now serve on our bargaining committee and am helping to negotiate our first collective bargaining agreement. While some may think that “professionals” like me don’t need a union, they are wrong. Everyone needs a union. We are now able to advocate for ourselves and each other without fear of retaliation, which has empowered us to improve our working conditions. Our collective bargaining agreement will lock in the things we like about our workplace and improve the things we don’t. Critically, it will protect us from being fired without just cause. Our union gives us a voice in our organization and the ability to influence decisions. We choose to work at our nonprofit because we believe in the mission. Without us – the workers – our organization could not exist. We deserve to have a say in how it’s run, and now we do.